Thursday, April 9, 2009

Is Research the Total Answer for Exercise?

Has this ever happened to you? You hear about a new exercise-related study. You immediately get an uncomfortable feeling since you have not read the study. You ask yourself "Does that study really apply in my situation? Does exercise research really give me the complete answer?"

Since I teach Evidence-Based Practice and am the "Exercise Evidence Expert", you might think I would say research is the ultimate answer for creating exercise solutions. However, that is not the case.

"Evidence-Based Practice" (EBP) originates from medicine. Many exercise and human movement professionals are now moving towards reliance on EBP. What exactly is EBP?

EBP considers three main variables:

1. The interests and goals of the client/patient/athlete;
2. The experience of the coach/practicioner/professional; and
3. The latest research.

Many have a problem with utilizing research since they think other factors should be considered. They are exactly right: research is only one aspect of creating an exercise solution.

The coach or professional's experience is crucial to EBP. The client's goals and needs are equally important.

HOWEVER, exercise research is a crucial part of the exercise solution. My experience has been most professionals, due to time demands, do not have time to read studies so they feel overwhelmed/discouraged in attempting to staying up-to-date on research. So they largely ignore it-relying on only personal experience and second-hand knowledge from magazines or other media.

As part of a National Academy of Sports Medicine project, I read and record dozens of new exercise studies each month. I also write a detailed summary of one particularly important new study each month. I stay on top of the latest research.

I also teach graduate students how to find and evaluate the latest exercise research.

If you would like to receive my running, football or general exercise research newsletters, email me at I can help you "bridge the gap" and best utilize your valuable experience and knowledge.

I also can help craft Research Supported solutions for your clients and teams. Just drop me a note at the above email address.

Jeff Blair
Exercise Evidence Expert

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